Natalia Jastrzębska

Mobile Developer

A forward-thinking software engineer with more than 8 years of experience in mobile development, paying attention to clean, SOLID and maintainable code as well as beautiful and accessible design and supporting variety of devices and screens.

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I'm Senior Software Enginner specialising in developing mobile applications and I contributed to multiple applications both: as only Android developer and as part of engineering team.
Though I'm mostly focused on Android development, I have also experience in cross platform technologies like Flutter and ReactNative.
I'm most passionated about EdTech, Edutainment and HealthCare projects.
During my perfect workday I love to focus on implementing beautiful and accessible UI with a touch of animation.
As Lifelong Learner I fear not new challenges.


10+ apps on PlayStore
using architectural patterns
problem solver
keen on learning new technologies
GSoC 2015 participant
Google Developer Nanodegree Scholarship recipent
OpenSource contributor

Resume PDF


Software Enginnering

SOLID, Clean Code, Testing, Git, GitFlow

Android Development

Jetpack Compose, Coroutines,
Java, Kotlin,
Material Design, Constraint Layout,
Retrofit, OkHttp, Dagger, RxJava, RxAndroid, Butterknife, Glide, Mockito, Espresso

Mobile Develpment

React Native,
iOS (Objective-C),
Unity (C#)


HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, LESS,
iBeacon, EddyStone, NFC


Some Personal Projects

See more projects See EduNap for educational apps


Ever since joining Lottie in October 2021, Natalia has been delivering high quality solutions to complex engineering problems. She has demonstrated deep technical expertise in animations and accessibility as well as shown a high level of ownership for her work. Natalia has been sharing her knowledge constantly and has taken on mentoring in areas of her expertise for mobile colleagues. She is highly motivated, hardworking, committed and has played an integral role to get our kids app experience onto the next “magical” level.

I am very happy to have had the pleasure working with Natalia and have been far more than impressed. Whoever is lucky to hire her in the future will hire a thoughtful communicator who can manage stakeholders, someone who is always approachable for technical advice, a tech enthusiast by heart who enjoys working for a product with a positive im. I hope our paths will cross again in the future.

Julian Bergmann Engineering Manager @ Totolie / Lottie    

Me and Natalia worked together for a couple of years, she was a mobile developer on my team at Totoli where she worked on a multi-media app for young children which helped build a healthy relationship with screen-time.

She is really smart, a thirsty learner and quick at acquiring and mastering new knowledge. An example of this is when we had to pivot rapidly for business reasons and do a re-write of our app, from native Android (Kotlin) to Flutter to cater for x-platform as a small team where she ramped up her knowledge within few weeks and together with the team met a very tight delivery deadline. She also quickly became our animations go-to specialist on the team.

She is really driven and passionate about her job. She showed a lot of business thinking and ownership beyond her engineering role when it came to for example improve our UX and touch sensitivity based on usage patterns with our users, young children from age 2.

And last but not least, Natalia is a great pleasure to work with. She was highly appreciated by her team members and always approachable up for collaborating and supporting where needed. I certainly hope our paths will cross again in the future.

Steinunn Arnardottir CTO @ Totolie / Lottie    

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PlayStore Developer